When you run, you need to fuel. In NYC there's no better spots than street carts and late night eats.
We polled the office for our favorite spots and set out into the night with local runners Yosef and Insa to sample these classic, no-frills carts and restaurants that satisfy that mid/post-run urge, no matter the hour.
Nuts for Nuts
Location: We googled it. There are over 100 of these in the city, and you'll smell em' from multiple avenues away. Every tourist and local alike has sampled Nuts4Nuts. And if you haven't, you're ... nuts (we're sorrry for that one)?
And while we can't claim that this particular cart's protein and antioxidant rich offerings aren't completely doused in sugar and other unknown, but incredibly tasty accoutrements, we can tell you that they can/will hit the spot. And that's what matters.

Gray's Papaya
Location: Broadway and 72nd St.
"I don’t want to get a movie hot dog, I want a Papaya King hot dog.” -Kramer. We assure you that you, too, want this hot dog. Gray's is a throwback to places that offered things in NYC that were remotely affordable. What a concept! Also, their papaya drink is foamy, creamy and sweet in all the right ways - perfect for a mid-run sugar jolt. #health

Location: 53rd St. and 6th Ave.
This fast growing gyro empire began with one cart, the OG one launching on 6th ave and 53rd street. Everything here is an absolute slapper, but our fav is the OG falafel sandwich with white + hot sauce. Pro-tip: there is a way to cut the usually long line, but we can't give out that secret.

Location: 7 Carmine St.
One of our favorite corners in Manhattan, Carmine and 6th. You got IFC, the iconic west 4th street B-ball courts and of course, Famous Joe's, which was famous well before it's supporting role in Spiderman 2, and for good reason.

Got some late night eat recommendations for when you're on the run in your borough/hometown/running route? Dms are always open on the Bandit insta.

Shout out to Insa and Yosef for hanging with us in Manhattan.