There are those who are new to our great sport, and those who remember February nights of racing on a one hundred-sixty-five meter wooden track on the floor of Madison Square Garden for the fabled Millrose Games.
In the heart of New York City, where the stories of history intertwine with the pulse of modernity, the 179th Millrose Games at The Armory (the MSG of running?) stand as a testament to the enduring allure of track and field. As our world of running evolves and we embrace innovations like Diamond Leagues, Athlos, Marathon Majors, and Grand Slam Track. Yet, The Millrose Games stand as the last symbol of tradition. From tuxedoed meet officials and world records, to the sport descending upon Washington Heights on a winter night in NYC the 117th edition of the Millrose Games embodied both enduring tradition and the future of our sport.
It all went down this past Saturday, February 8th and it did not disappoint. Records went down, legends were made, hearts were broken.
Take a peak into the world’s oldest indoor track meet.
Here are our top 5 moments from the games...
1. Grant Fisher vs. Hocker Hocker: World Record Indoor 3K
Grant vs Cole: World Record in the Indoor 3k
It’s not a hot take, but in the midst of other World and American records falling it may feel like one; This was absolutely the race of the meet. In many ways, it proved what Tim Rossi has been yelling with his shoes off at the Union Square station with pigeons all around him: “True racing is the key to save track and field”
This wasn’t a manufactured world record attempt. This was a double Olympic medalist and an Olympic Gold medalist stepping on the same oval and going to battle. The fans were rewarded handsomely.
Grant Fisher breaks the world record running 7:22, Cole Hocker under the previous world record of 7:23.
2. Bandit family, Shafiqua Maloney Dominates the Women's 800M
We were recently down in Arkansas for another yet to be released project (shhh) and saw Shafiqua run a mile. The conversation went something (word for word) like this:
“Shafiqua, what the hell are you doing running a mile?”
“Maaaaann, I have no idea”.
Well, her coach was obviously a man with a plan. She came out to Millrose with the same fight that saw her grab a miraculous 4th place finish in the Olympic Games. Sitting behind the pacers, she took control of the race at halfway and defended some late challengers to secure the dub.
Long way from those pre Olympic days shooting for Team SVG in Paris. It’s love forever and always, Shafiqua!
3. Yared Nguse Smashes the World Record Indoor Mile
The Wanamaker Mile is an illustrious win, with countless Olympic medalists, world record holders, and stalwarts of the sport have graced the finishing tape of this over the last 117 years.
The rendition was set to be a top bins banger with Olympic silver and bronze medalists Josh Kerr, and Yared Nguse set to battle over 8 laps. Well, Josh got a wittle sniffles the night before and called out sick so Yared said “I’ll do it myself”
Best part, it was another race to the line with a young Hobbs Kessler putting his hat in the ring. It was reminiscent of a young Noah Ngeny unexpectedly pushing Hicham El Guerrouj to the mile world record, year 2000 in Rome. Yeah, that's a deep cut for the heads. Track is alive!
4. Josh Hoey Sets the New 800M American Record
Look, we’re not going to talk about what Josh Hoey has been doing the last 5 years. Okay fine lets talk about it: starting from 2016 his annual personal bests have come in at 1:54, 1:49, 1:47, 1:49, 1:47, 1:47, 1:47, 1:47, 1:48, 1:43.
One of these things are not like the other. What did Timothee Chalemet say? “Oh the times, they are a changin’”
Josh is having a renaissance and we love to see it. He takes down Bryce Hoppel and an American Record in the process. Let’s keep this going!
5. Georgia Bell Beats a World Class Field in the Wanamaker Mile
We're absolutely buzzin!! American greats Nikki Hiltz, Heather Mclean, Sinclair Johnson battled our UK rival Georgia Bell in the Women’s Wanamaker Mile. Just this once, the Brits won out. Georgia Bell has been a force to be reckoned with the last 3 years over the middle distances. Looks like nothing will change heading into this World Championship year. A tactical first half, and a blazing finish led Georgia to an early season 4:23 and a W.
Knowing the rate at which records are falling in this new Golden Age of running, they won't last long. What a time to be alive. Tune in.