The New York City Marathon is unparalleled. Just getting to the start alone is a journey in and of itself. Once you're on the line, you're greeted by a mile long monster in the Verrazzano Bridge and it only gets crazier from there. Three million spectators all screaming at the top of their lungs for you interrupted by moments of eery silence on the six other bridges you'll face over the 26.2. They say if you can PR here, you can PR anywhere... Here's our advice for running your best race on Sunday.
1. Let the energy build. NYC Marathon is a daunting course, respect it. Best way to connect with the race course is through patience and progression. Start off conservatively, feel out the weather, the wind, the pack... and let it all build, slowly. Brooklyn is all warm up, back off on the hills, chill on the turns and settle into knocking down each mile with minimal effort. Let the momentum carry you and push off gratification for as long as possible. It’ll pay off in the last 10 miles.
2. Limit your expectations. Once you cross the starting mat the marathon soon devolves into a blend of landscapes, bodies, and unruly chaos. Do your best to conquer these variables by not having expectations — and with that, take what the marathon gives you. Prime yourself to embrace the cheers, tuck in behind packs of runners and let the athlete attrition spotlight who your true teammates will be on the course that day , they may be strangers now but you may have formed a life long appreciation after Sunday.
3. Find your support. When you’re busy memorizing the water stops, fuel stations and goal splits make sure to also coordinate with your friends, family and teammates exactly where they’ll be, runner's right or runner’s left and let them know how they can support you if needed. If they have been on this journey with you may want to take a moment to acknowledge it before, during or after the race. It takes a village to get to the starting line.
4. Absorb the landscape. There is no better feeling than running the streets of NYC unencumbered by tourists, cyclists or vehicles. Take in the sights across each borough and after you turn for home, no matter what state you are in when you enter Central Park, remember that you are inching closer and closer to earning the title of a New York City Marathon finisher. Let it sink in and embrace the struggle and pain over the last few miles of this iconic course.
5. It’s the NYC Marathon. You’re not here by accident. Whether you were inspired, challenged, gifted or forced this journey started the first moment you thought "hmm, maybe I could do the NYC Marathon” — The decision was deliberate and now you are in and picking up your bib with your number. Your moment is here. To be honest likely no one, besides you maybe, is going to remember your time from the race. The memory will be that you were there and that you did it. If nothing else from the article ahead, I hope that sinks in, now and at the starting line. You were there and you ran the NYC Marathon.